Date Time APIs in Java 8
There are lots of blogs and stories on the internet which can give you a good idea of Date-Time API in Java 8, yet here is my attempt to explain it one more time with my understandings.
Why Date and Time calculations are important — In today's world of social media how we get the memories of our photos, posts, tweets, anniversaries, birthdays and etc? How banks can restrict the fund transfer for a particular period? There are so many such questions that are related and the answer is ‘Date and Time calculations’. These software systems save the Date in their databases, process them, and provide us the result.
As part of our academics, we all are familiar with time and its different attributes, Like in a year there are 365 days, there are 12 months, each day has 24 hours, each hour has 60 minutes, each minute has 60 seconds. There are other attributes too if we keep digging. With all these numbers one can easily interpret the next day schedule, vacation plan, and a waste of time in a traffic jam :), but in a software system, these calculations can be pretty much big, complex, and have to be exact all the time whenever asked. Hence there is a strong urge for a good Date-Time API that serves reliable results all the time.
All the programming languages support APIs related to Date and Time. Some programming language provides very basic features and let the programmers handle their own manipulations. On the other hand, most of the programming languages provide very detailed and generous APIs for Date and Time…